2) Starch containing food is completely eliminated from the diet (no pasta, no bread, no potatoes, and no rice and absolutely no fruit juices or sodas). Only low glycemic carbohydrates are consumed (brown rice, vegetables, oatmeal, etc.), with the exception of the post-workout meal where higher glycemic carbohydrates (fruit) can be consumed in liquid form together with protein.


3) Carbohydrates are reduced to 0.8gr/Kg of bodyweight and are concentrated in the meals before and after the workout.


4) In order to prevent muscle catabolism, protein intake is raised to 2.4gr/Kg and above. Only lean protein food is used (chicken breast, turkey, lean pork, white fish, whey protein, non-fat yogurt).


5) Plenty of water should be consumed during the day (at least 2-3 liters - 0.5-0.8 gallon) and at regular intervals.


6) The right amount and type of “good” fat should be provided to the body. This include: olive-oil, fat from fish and flaxseed oil.


7)  Eat plenty of vegetable. High fiber vegetables in particular, will provide a “filling effect” reducing craving for food while slowing down nutrient absorption. Also, vegetables rich in fibers help keeping your body clean and increase metabolic rate through digestion.


8) Light aerobic activity is performed everyday to increase caloric consumption.

The cutting diet

Learn how body builders get “skinny”!


The “cutting diet” is performed by bodybuilders during the weeks preceding the competition with the purpose of increasing muscular definition. The diet goal is to reduce the body fat percentage down to 4-7% in order to increase muscle definition. This requires eliminating the fat under the skin and in stubborn areas of the body such the belly, waist and lower back.

This is achieved by reducing the daily calories slightly below the needed amount, while at the same time ramping up aerobic training and continuing with a regular weights workout schedule.

Since the goal is to burn extra fat while preserving the muscle fibers, the diet composition is changed to minimize carbohydrate intake (especially starch), while increasing the protein supply.






Muscle definition

Since the “cutting“ process creates an energy deficit, this diet is not considered particularly healthy by many nutritionists. As a matter of fact, this nutrition plan should not be protracted for periods longer than few weeks.


Are fat supposed to be completely eliminated from your diet?

The answer is absolutely not! As a matter of fact, eliminating essential fats from your diet can be interpreted by your metabolism as a sign of starvation forcing your body to increase storage of the deprived nutrient. The situation will eventually get even worst when the diet is suspended. This is especially true if you do not transition gradually into and out of the cutting diet.

As a final note, it is important to notice that fat is not the only variable in the equation. Professional athletes also adjust their water drinking habits to reduce the amount of water stored under the skin.

Our nutrition optimizer can help you design a cutting diet specific for your body weight choosing among dozens of recipes which will help maintain a beneficial variety in the diet. In fact, in our opinion, many athletes commit the mistake to perform very monotonous diets based on few meals. This is understandable since calculating the exact nutrients intake every day can be a very tedious process. However, the metabolism rapidly adjusts to these meal plans with disappointing results. We hope that our program will help you create a basic plan that you can adjust to your particular needs. Since as we mentioned above, the cutting diet can be quite drastic (especially if protracted for long periods of time), we recommend consulting a doctor before performing this nutrition plan. Also, before you use our program please read our Terms of Use.


The principle of the cutting process can be summarized in a few points:


1) 6 to 7 small meals per day are consumed every 2-3 hours.

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