BMI graph

BMI Calculator


The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of a person healthy body weight as compared to the person’s height. Enter your data below and the red pointer on the graph will indicate your BMI.

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Your height

Your body weight






What is the Body Mass Index


The Body Mass Index calculator (BMI) is a simple tool to check if your weight is in the proper range compared with your height. The range where your BMI will fall into should tell you if you are considered to be overweight, underweight or obese according to standards established by the World Health Organization (WHO). Before you proceed with this calculation you should be aware that BMI values are considered only a very approximate assessment of your weight status and you should not trust on BMI only to decide if you need to undergo a weight reduction program. If you think that you are overweight, you should definitively consult a physician before undergoing any diet or workout program.

Despite its limitations the BMI offer a more accurate assessment of body composition with respect to measuring your bodyweight alone. For example, if you are a 190 pounds individual you would not be considered overweight if you are 6' tall and above. Your weight alone would not be sufficient to produce this information.

The BMI ranges are as follow: a value between 18.5 to 25 represents a healthy weight value. BMI values below 18.5 indicate that a person is underweight, while BMIs between 25 and 30 are representative of an overweight person. BMI above 30 can be interpreted as sign of obesity.

As mentioned above, caution should be exercised when interpreting BMI values. The BMI it is not an accurate assessment of body fat percentage. The BMI is just a ratio between your total body weight and the square of your height. As a matter of fact, the weight that is used in calculating the BMI is the total body-weight and does not take into account the percentage of fat, and the bone density, that contribute to the weight value.

As a consequence, people who have a strong muscular structure (such as bodybuilders and strength athletes in general) may have BMI values that fall into the overweight category, even though their percentage of body fat is very low. For example, a body builder who is 5'10" tall can easily weight above 190 pounds but still have a percentage of body fat below 10%. Similarly, a short person with a weak muscular structure can have a BMI in the healthy range even though his/her fat percentage may be very high.

In spite of its limitations, the BMI is a good starting point to assess your body fat composition. Monitoring the changes in your BMI as you proceed through a diet and exercise program can help you track your improvements.

BMI ranges:

BMI <18.5            Underweight

BMI   18.5 - 24.9   Normal weight

BMI   25 - 29.9      Overweight

BMI   30 or greater Obese


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